15 Anchors Who Really Heat Up The News Desk

August 2024 · 12 minute read

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More and more people have been avoiding the news lately. Things have gotten pretty depressing, and everyone seems to have an opinion on everything else. A lot of people are angry, and disgusted with how the world is going, and are tuning out the news.

Not me, I love the news, but that is purely because of all the hot chicks.  I don't even listen to what they say most of the time.  But hey, at least I can pretend to be informed right? And isn't that what it is all about? When my girlfriend is sitting there watching the news next to me, she is getting all bummed out about the state of the world, while I am just sitting there checking out some hot betty with a serious expression on her face. Now that I think of it, that is pretty much the same thing that happens all the time anyway.

Anyway you look at it, there are some pretty hot woman that are sitting behind the anchor desk these days. If only they were actually sitting on it, but I guess I will have to leave those thoughts for another time. While there are many women who are smoking hot that are sideline reporters and weather girls, most people don't think of female news anchors as being hot. Well prepare to change your mind.

Here are 15 smoking hot female anchors that really heat up the news desk.

15. Melissa Theuriau

Melissa is an incredibly hot anchorwoman from France, and obviously is totally gorgeous. She is the anchor for Metropole television, which is the largest French speaking television station in the world. She has been voted the most beautiful news reporter in the world by various publications, and if you doubt how hot she is, just check out some photos that were once taken of her topless on a beach. I will wait until you get back from googling that, because I am pretty sure that you are doing that right now. Melissa is truly beautiful, and all of you in France are very lucky to have her read the news to you every night, just as you are lucky to to live near topless beaches where she may be hanging out at, right now as we speak.

14. Megyn Kelly

Most of us know who Megyn Kelly is, she is a ridiculously hot woman who was an anchor at Fox News, and who recently wrote a memoir. She is no longer at Fox, but will be starting soon at NBC. Why? Well because  "longtime Chairman Roger Ailes departed the network amid accusations of sexual harassment. Kelly leveled accusations of sexual harassment against Ailes in her memoir, “Settle for More,” which described an episode in which Ailes made repeated and unwanted advances before asking her when her contract expired".

Megyn will be the  anchor of a daily program on NBC that will air Monday through Friday and will also host a Sunday evening news show. I am sure she is going to look amazing while doing it.

13. Ainsley Earhardt

Next on the list of ridiculously hot women that are news anchors is Ainsley Earhardt, who also works on the Fox Network. You will see on this list, or even while watching Fox that they have way more hot chicks on their news station that probably any other place in the world, in fact it seems like they have more hot news anchors than all of the other stations in the world combined. Ainsley is no exception. This smoke show originally comes from South Carolina, and after graduating from college was the anchor for a local news station there before moving up the ranks. She is currently not only a news anchor on Fox, but also is the host of the show Fox and Friends. Which makes sense, as she truly is a fox.

12. Tomi Lahren

Tomi Lahren is a an anchor who also hosts the show Tomi which is on The Blaze. She is super hot, and also super conservative. "I'm here at work today because I'm a woman, not a victim, I didn't wake up this morning worrying about what protest color I’d wear, or what the world would do without me because I didn’t wake up feeling like the victimhood narrative was a part of my story." as you can see by her comments about the Day Without Woman, she's very conservative.

Tomi is only 24 years old, and whether you agree with her or not, she sure looks like a real woman to me.  In fact I wish all real women looked exactly like her.

11. Susan Li

Susan Li is an anchor for Bloomberg Television based out of Hong Kong. She was born in China, but grew up in Toronto, she speaks both English and Cantonese and Mandarin fluently.  She has been an anchor for many different news stations throughout the world, before landing her current gig. This just goes to show you that if you work really hard, there could be jobs for you anywhere in the world in the broadcasting world, as long as you are super hot like Susan is. If you are not that hot, then no, there probably will not be that many opportunities for you. Sorry about that. Her first show for Bloomberg was Asia Business Tonight.

10. Robin Meade

Robin Meade was an anchor for CNN, and is now an anchor for Morning Express With Robin Meade. She also is a country singer who has released a few albums and was once voted the sexiest newscaster in a poll that was done by Playboy. Robin is kind of old school, and has been around for awhile now, but you do not have to look at her for very long to figure out what she has going for her, and I am not talking about how much she knows about the news of the world. She was a former Miss Ohio, and competed in the Miss America contest. It is very apparent that Robin is a very well-rounded individual, what with her background in beauty contests, being a singer and an anchorwoman; very well rounded indeed.

9. Julie Banderas

Julie Banderas is totally stacked. There I said it. She is yet another totally smoking news anchor that works for Fox. She is  the anchor for America's News Headquarters on Saturdays and Fox Report Weekend. With all of the hot female anchors that are on the Fox network, one might almost think that they go about hiring women that are total smoke shows to report the news. But why would they possibly do that? It makes no sense at all. Regardless of whatever they think when they are hiring people, they hired Julie and put her on camera, so there really is not much to complain about from my perspective. Julie is totally one of the hottest woman out there; whether she is a news anchor or not, she is top of the list.

8. Alex Wagner

You can just take one look at Alex and see that she is a tad different than most of the women on this list. First of all, she has short hair and is not totally stacked, which seems to be sort of an unusual thing when it comes to being a news anchor. She also comes from a journalism background and graduated from Brown University, which is an excellent school. So basically what all this means is that Alex probably absolutely hates being on this list. Well Alex, you will have to accept my apologies, but my job here is to find the hottest news anchors around and point them out so that people know about them. And hey, despite all of the things that have been mentioned above, you are super hot, so here you are.

7. Gigi Stone

Gigi has been an anchor for  ABC News Now and World News Now, and has hosted Bloomberg Enterprise. With a name like Gigi, you pretty much know that she has to be hot. I don't think it is possible to have a name like Gigi and not be a total smoke show. Is there a single Gigi in the world that is not totally gorgeous? She currently is one of the alternating anchors for Early Today.  She is routinely listed as one of the hottest female anchors out there, and it is pretty easy to see why. No matter what kind of job that she had she would probably be one of the hottest women doing it. Gigi is originally from New York, which is a city where there are a lot of gorgeous women, but still she manages to stand out.

6. Jenna Lee

Next on the list is Jenna Lee, who is also just amazingly hot, not only for a news anchor, but for anyone. She is a native of San Francisco, and it did not take her long to become successful in the business and get a job behind the anchor desk. Her first job as an anchor was for Forbes, and she soon had work as an anchor on Fox, which as we have already discussed is pretty much the home for hot female news anchors. While we are on the subject, is there really anything wrong with women being hot as news anchors? Well a lot of people would say that it's a way of cheapening the news, but as I have already said, I feel the opposite. Even if people come for the hot ladies, at least they learn something in the end.

5. Brooke Baldwin

Brooke Baldwin is the anchor of CNN Newsroom, which airs in the afternoons. Brooke is originally from Atlanta, Georgia, and gives off the vibe of a Southern charmer when she is on the air. Brooke has been very successful considering her young career, and has been on CNN since 2008, when she was still in her 20's. It is not surprising that she has come as far as she has, she is not only totally hot, but also gives off a very professional vibe. Which one would think all of these women would do, they are news anchors after all. But just like everything else, some of these women are better at it than others. While all of them are pretty close to being equally hot, some are obviously a little better at their jobs than others.

4. Tamron Hall

Tamron Hall is just an absolute knock out. When she is sitting behind the desk one might not get just how hot that she really is, but when she lets it all out there, then it is just unreal how smoking hot she is. She used to be the news anchor for NBC news, and also was the host of some sections of the Today Show. Tamron has some very obvious assets, as one can see in the above photo. This begs the question, can a news anchor be so hot that it sometimes can be distracting? I mean what if Tamron had something really important to tell me about the state of the world, and all I could do was just stare at her chest the whole time? This example really illustrates how dangerous a hot news anchor can really be.

3. Courtney Friel

Courtney is an anchor for a news station out of Los Angeles, and as you can see by the above photo, is a total knock out. Los Angeles is one of those areas that just about everyone on the news is good looking. I lived out there for a while and honestly just about everyone anywhere was really good looking. Even at the local coffee shop you were usually being waited on by some chick that was trying to become a really famous model or actress. Even though Los Angeles is a big market, Courtney is so hot that it stands to reason she will probably get an offer to be on a national news station soon. News anchors this hot do not grow on trees, well as far as I know they don't anyway; if they did that would be totally awesome.

2. Ghida Fakhry

While the majority of these incredibly hot female news anchors have an All-American vibe, some of them have a very different look going on. One of them is Ghida Fakhry, who used to be the  global news channel  anchor at Al Jazeera English. She was born in Lebanon, then later moved to England. She is ridiculously hot, as she has the perfect combination of being exotic looking and having that whole British upper crust scene going on. And did I mention she was gorgeous? The only real issue with this one is that she is so darn smart she is a little intimidating. Hey, we guys just want our hot news anchors to look smart, not actually be smart. A woman this gorgeous, this driven, and this intelligent is kind of terrifying.

1. Lauren Wendy Sanchez

Lauren Wendy Sanchez almost takes things to a whole new level with this whole hot news anchor thing. She is currently the anchor of a local news station out of Los Angeles. We have brought this up before, but why does Los Angeles have all the luck when it comes to news anchors? Why can't Lauren be the anchor in Little Rock, Arkansas, or Manchester, New Hampshire. It just does not seem fair that just about all of the hottest news anchors are either in Los Angeles, or on Fox. Speaking of fair, I am sure there are a lot of guys out there that look at Lauren and don't think it is fair that they don't have her as a girlfriend.  Lauren is such a smoke show that she has augmented her career in news by appearing in numerous movies as well.

Source: Wikipedia
