The 15 Places That Have Banned Justin Bieber

September 2024 · 13 minute read

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It turns out that there are a whole lot of people all around the world who hate Justin Bieber. If you’re a fan, then we’re sorry. If you’re not a fan, then you will probably enjoy our list of The 15 Places That Have Banned Justin Bieber.

We actually didn’t know that there were so many places across the globe that have disallowed the singer from making an appearance. From hotels and nightclubs to entire countries, the Biebs has gotten himself into a lot of trouble, and at times it has cost him the opportunity to travel abroad. Moreover, he has wasted thousands of dollars thanks to his careless and rude behaviour.

So what is he doing that is causing him to be banned from so many locations? Most of the time he is being extremely rude and brash, either by cursing people out, breaking and damaging property, or getting into physical altercations with other people. He has had the police called on him several times, and he has angered entire groups of people. Justin also seems to lack courtesy for other cultures, which got him into hot water in China, Japan, Mexico, and the Middle East. Someone seriously needs to get Justin Bieber to wake up and realize that he’s being a big brat.

Granted, we will say that the Biebs seems to be turning a new leaf. That’s good news, but let’s see if he can keep it up. Time will tell if Justin has truly matured and learned his lessons.

15. Las Vegas Indoor Skydiving

This is a bummer, because indoor skydiving looks like a lot of fun. Too bad Justin Bieber won’t be able to hit up Las Vegas Indoor Skydiving anymore. So, what did the wild child pop star do? In 2013, Justin earned himself a spot on the company’s “No-Fly” list, a lifetime ban. The reasons were many: Justin arrived at the Las Vegas spot just minutes before official closing time. He convinced the employees to let them fly, but then they were being really rude and discourteous the whole time. They were dirtying up the bathroom for kicks and blatantly ignoring the staff members. When it was time to fly, Justin was offered a no-payment discount if he took a selfie while flying so he could promote Las Vegas Indoor Skydiving on Instagram. The singer agreed, but he never followed through with the selfie. Nor did he pay the $1,600 fee to fly.

14. New Zealand

Towards the end of 2013, the Biebs found himself in hot water on international turf yet again. This time he was in New Zealand. The Langham Hotel in Auckland, New Zealand has quite a beef with Bieber. Apparently the singer was extremely disrespectful and unprofessional while staying at the hotel by bringing several girls back to his suite (which costs $1,000 per night!) and trashing the room. The hotel staff and management were appalled by the teenager’s lack of regard for others and for property that wasn’t his own. They made him sign a written contract that would keep him from doing this whole thing again at their hotel. During his stay, Justin was also banned from dining with the other hotel guests. It’s like he was delegated to the kiddie table or something. This was just another example of how immature and disobedient the Biebs could be. Pitiful.

13. Philippines

At the end of 2012, the Biebs was already getting into trouble with foreign affairs. As most of us know, Justin is into boxing, whether that is because of a genuine interest or just to look cool, we don’t know. What we do know is that Justin uses a poor choice of words on Twitter and angered the Philippine government. This was after a year-end boxing match between Manny Pacquiao of the Philippines and Juan Manuel Marquez. Pacquiao ended up losing the match, and Justin used it as a moment to be “funny.” He posted an image of Pacquiao on Twitter, with Michael Jackson’s face photoshopped over the boxer’s body as he was defeated by his foe. It was supposed to be a joke about Michael Jackson doing one of his signature moves, but the Philippines didn’t find it funny at all! Let’s just say that the Philippines are not Beliebers anymore.

12. Brazil

Unfortunately, Justin Bieber gave North Americans a bad name when he visited Latin America while touring and promoting his 2013 album. When Justin visited Brazil, he took the partying vibe of Rio de Janeiro a bit too far. The singer visited a well-known brothel in the steamy city and was kicked out for causing a huge disturbance. He has since been banned from visiting that brothel ever again. Good riddance, the guy was only 20 years old at the time! He had no business even being there! Moreover, Justin was also kicked out of his hotel, where he tried to sneak in two “working girls” from the brothel. Clearly, Brazilians were upset about all the ruckus Justin was causing in their country. When the Biebs ditched Rio to perform in the city of Sao Paolo, an angry person in the crowd chucked a water bottle at Justin and hit him square in the face. Score!

11. Bogotá, Colombia

When Justin Bieber was staying overnight at a hotel in Bogota, Colombia, he once again managed to stir up trouble. The singer snuck out of his hotel room and defamed a public wall with graffiti. This was especially rebellious and risky because the particular neighborhood Justin was in had banned graffiti. That didn’t stop Justin from spray painting a huge marijuana leaf and his native Canadian flag on a brick wall. His actions ignited so much backlash from other graffiti artists (and criminals, according to the Bogota government,) that officials were getting a huge headache from Justin Bieber. While they didn’t flat-out ban him from the city, they definitely wanted him to leave. The singer had unwittingly started a graffiti revolution, and instances of street graffiti increased dramatically after the Justin Bieber incident. Poor Biebs didn’t even know what he was doing, but he found himself caught in the center of a graffiti revival in Bogota.

10. Vienna, Austria

Another 2013 incident had Justin Bieber getting on authorities’ nerves and thus being banned from a location in the city. Justin was hanging out at The Passage Club, a famous nightclub in Vienna, Austria. The singer was only 19 years old at the time, and yet he and his posse ended up causing a whole lot of drama at the venue. Reports from a popular Austrian newspaper alleged that Justin’s entourage and bodyguards were acting violently towards fans and other patrons of the nightclub. They even ended up destroying cameras and cellphones that fans were using. The property damage and angry outbursts caused the officials of The Passage Club to throw Bieber out and ban him from ever entering again. Justin probably lost a lot of Austrian fans that night, too. The singer has a long track record of being banned or kicked out of nightclubs. It seems that he just can’t manage to keep his behavior under control.

9. The Middle East

Several Middle Eastern countries have banned Justin Bieber from entering within their borders at all, as the singer has recently begun to get more serious about his Christian faith. As most of us are aware, many Middle Eastern countries are predominantly Muslim, and Islam is a distinct religion that differs from Christianity. Justin has been quoted in magazine interviews as praising Jesus Christ and saying that he wouldn’t be where he is now without his saviour. That kind of talk has led to Justin being unwelcome in Middle Eastern nations, as officials there don’t want a devout and vocal Christian indoctrinating their residents and citizens. When Justin’s album Purpose was released, it wasn’t even allowed to be sold in many Middle Eastern nations. First of all, Justin was photographed with a bare chest for the album cover, and most Muslims cover up extensively. Another reason Purpose was banned was for its connection to Christianity and Justin’s visible cross tattoo.

8. Mayan Ruins

Well, this is super embarrassing. The singer was spending the beginning of 2016 in Cancun, Mexico and he decided to go visit the Mayan Ruins. You know, these ruins are ancient, and a testament to how powerful and intelligent the Mayan people were. It is also a place where visitors are expected to be courteous and careful of their actions. It seems that Justin Bieber either didn’t know that or just didn’t care, because he showed mad disrespect. The singer pulled down his pants while touring the ruins, and he was also toting around open containers of alcohol. Justin and his posse were being very loud and obnoxious and even cussed out the authorities on the site when they were asked to leave the premises. Justin and his bodyguards were being so foul that the tourism officials had to call the cops. However, by the time the police arrived at the ruins, Justin and his entourage had already run away.

7. Germany

Justin Bieber pulled a Wacko Jacko when he visited Germany with his pet monkey, Mally. Now in this case, it wasn’t necessarily Justin who was banned, but his monkey. But here’s the story: Justin was hitting Germany for his Believe tour, and he was stopped in the airport because he was bringing his monkey along without the proper paperwork and permission. Justin was forced to leave his monkey with German authorities at the airport, and poor Mally was quarantined off. Justin must not have been too upset to leave his pet behind, because he never returned to pick her up! Nearly half a year later, the German authorities contacted Justin and said he owed some $11,000 in care-taking costs for his monkey, who was still being quarantined at the airport. Not cool, Justin. If you’re going to have a pet, make sure that you can take care of it.

6. Miami, Florida and Los Angeles, California

These two United States cities are so fed up with Justin Bieber, and would love nothing more than to have him out of their sight. First, in Miami, Florida, Justin was arrested for drag racing and resisting arrest. He failed a drug test in which marijuana and Xanax were found in his system. He had to go to court and pay $50,000. Secondly, Justin was hit with another arrest in Los Angeles after he defiled a neighbour’s house by throwing raw eggs at it. He had to pay over $80,000. In Beverly Hills, he is seen as a nuisance and others often call the police on him for causing disturbances and late-night disruptions. With all of the money that his stupid antics are costing him, you’d think that he would want to stay out of these areas. Nobody would complain if they never had to see the Biebs ever again!

5. Japan

When the singer visited the Yasukuni Shrine in Japan, he caused national outrage among the government as well as civilians. The Yasukuni Shrine is a holding place for hundreds of soldiers and war criminals who fought in World War II. Many of the soldiers from the imperial Japanese army are buried at this shrine, located near Tokyo, and it is a controversial place that strikes a deep chord with Japanese citizens. While Justin was traveling around, he asked his driver to stop at the shrine. Justin then bowed his head and paid his respects to the fallen soldiers. He tweeted a photo of his reverence with the caption “thank you for your blessings.” Little did he know, he had just honored war criminals who were known for murdering and brutally beating innocent people. Oops. Gotta read those history books, Justin.

4. Ontario, Canada

Justin Bieber is Canadian, and yet officials in Ontario, Canada are very leery of allowing him back into the country. Justin has managed to amass a number of criminal records through the world: Canada, the United States, Europe...and yet he still has loads of adoring fans (Beliebers.) Well, once you read this story, you will understand why the Ontario border patrol is weary of the Biebs. The singer used a bribe to get some of his buddies across the Canadian-United States border, even though they had a written history of criminal charges. Bieber himself has enough charges on his permanent record to make border officials uneasy about allowing him into the country, even if it is his home nation. According to Canadian law, people who have been charged with a crime in the United States may be denied access into Canada. Justin has been charged in Florida and Los Angeles...

3. New York City Clubs

Not one, not two, but four different nightclubs in New York City have forbidden Justin Bieber from coming back. Harsh? Well, when you consider that the singer seems to attract bad attention and behavior, it is easy to see why these establishments do not want him stepping onto their property. Moreover, Justin just has a despicable history with nightclubs. He has been banned from a club in Austria, and one by one, clubs in New York City have found him to be disruptive and just plain rude. He dirties up the place, hurls insults at people, and can’t seem to keep his hands to himself. Nightclubs can be fun without a person acting all big and bad. Now you will never find Justin at 1 Oak, The VIP Room, Up and Down, or The Sapphire Gentleman’s Club ever again. One question: what the heck was a 19-year-old doing in a “Gentleman’s Club?”

2. Indonesia

Lots of Beliebers were super excited for the singer’s release of his newest album, Purpose. After all, this was going to be Justin’s first full-length album since 2012. It was kind of a big deal. Anyway, Purpose was a definite departure from his previous music, and there were a lot of references to his Christian faith, both in the songs and on the album cover. Even in interviews, Justin was becoming more and more vocal about his Christian faith. Well, some countries, such as Indonesia, were not okay with that. They banned Justin from the country and forbade the selling of Purpose in stores. Justin’s reps responded to the backlash from the predominantly Muslim countries by saying that they were going to try to use an alternative image for the cover, so that the album could be sold in those countries. Even so, the damage is done, and Indonesia wants nothing to do with Bieber.

1. Argentina

Justin Bieber had to beg for forgiveness this past May when he was banned from visiting Argentina. The primary reasons for the ban originated about three years ago, in 2013, when Justin and his bodyguards were accused of attacking a photographer, Diego Pensoa. The attack was confronted by police who said that if Justin stepped foot within the borders of Argentina again, he would be detained. So, the singer is definitely not going there! Justin took to the Twitterverse to tell his Argentine fans that he was sorry, but he wasn’t permitted to take his Purpose Tour to the South American country. However, he was planning to tour and perform in other nations in South America, so fans still had a chance to see him in person. Looking back at 2013, it was a very rough year for Justin. He had been accused of countless incidents that involved violent and disrespectful behavior, and that was the year he racked up lots of international bans.

Sources: HuffingtonPost, PerezHilton, HollywoodLife, EOnline
