These Are 10 Of The Safest Jobs to Get

August 2024 ยท 7 minute read

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Even though jobs usually fit your individual skills and personalities, it's hard to find and decide on a career when you're young. Some find joy in working with their hands, while others enjoy teaching students. Each individual can thrive in different work settings, and this will help them to achieve a sense of personal worth and contribution. The work that someone does says a lot about them, and it reflects a large part of their identity in society.

There are a lot of people out there who enjoy a bit of a rush at work. This could come from indulging in massive financial risk, like so many entrepreneurs do, or it could come from placing themselves in a dangerous situation, like a fire fighter. These careers with a lot of danger, financially and physically, are out there for the select individuals who can thrive off of the daily excitement that is handed to them during their work situations.

For others, safety is a huge deciding factor in what they would like to do for the rest of their career. Many would crumble under the uncertainty of being a small business owner, and would long for the job security that other professions could offer them.

Though they might be setting themselves up for a life without glamour, they have nothing to worry about. There are many jobs out there that offer a large degree of safety, not only financially, but physically as well. Here we have compiled a list of some of the safest jobs around. Whether looking for low stress or high stability (or a mix of both), there's surely something on this list for you.

High School Teacher

Average Salary: $55,605

High School is a crucial time for any student. It is the time that they decide if they are going to go to college, and if so, what type of school they want to go to. High School teachers have a huge role to play in this. Barring some huge shift in the way we build society, high school teachers are always going to be needed, and not that many people want to do the job.

Demand will change from place to place, but it's the kind of job you can feel pretty comfortable with once you land a full-time position.

University Professor

Average Salary: $82,000-$100,000+

University Professors have some of the safest jobs out there. Assuming they get it, academic Tenure allows for professors to pretty much guarantee their spot at a university. This Tenure is usually put in place to assure professors the ability to publish the research that they feel to be true, without the fear of losing their jobs.

Obtaining tenure at a university isn't an easy task, but once it is done, being a university professor is one of the safest jobs out there as far as job security goes.

Government Clerk

Average Salary: $76,554

Government jobs have been long known as some of the safest jobs out there. Once you have been hired by the city or the state, you are in the system. Not only are the jobs secure, but the benefits are usually very good.

State issued insurance, pension plans, and paid time off are all perks of working in government positions. For those who are looking for a steady job without many sudden changes, working as a government clerk can be a great option.

Software Engineer

Average Salary: $76,490

Software Engineering is one of the fastest growing and most crucial industries of the day. Companies all over the world are constantly looking for talented software developers that can take their vision further in this technological age. Becoming a software engineer isn't a walk in the park, but once the skills are learned it is a career that is very secure.

While you may not have incredible job security at smaller start-up companies, you can rest assured that your skills are universal, and many different companies will be in need of individuals like you.


Average Salary: $72,652

Audiologist jobs have been showing up on the top of best job lists for many years now. This growing industry is pushing forward just as quickly as the technology for hearing aids is moving forward. Becoming an Audiologist takes a masters degree, but with this skill, you will be very well equipped to find ample work for the rest of your career.

The field of Audiology is growing rapidly as advancements in hearing aids are making hearing devices less intrusive and more precise. Whereas back in the day a large clunky hearing aid would be a hassle, now hearing aids are compact and much more advanced. Audiologists can expect to make a difference in people's lives for a long time.

Dental Hygienist

Average Salary: $67,124

Becoming a dental hygienist is a much simpler process than it used to be. A quick and inexpensive bit of schooling can help an individual get into this career, which is sure to be around for as long as there are teeth.

For every dentist out there, usually 2-4 dental hygienists are needed.  The world of dentistry continues to grow, and with this the job opportunities for dental hygienists continue to grow as well.


Average Salary: $60,049

Writers have always been an important part of society. They inform and enlighten  the masses, telling stories and recording history as it happens.

Writers have been finding a whole slew of new job opportunities now with the connectivity of the internet. For one thing, becoming a published author is much easier than it was in the past. Individuals  can take the route of being a novelist and publish an ebook with the click of a button. Writers can also find a wide array of opportunities when it comes to writing for online magazines, newspapers, and blogs. The job security for writers continues to grow as more influential writing becomes needed on the internet.


Average Salary: $71,977

Nursing is a great career path for those who are looking to be in the healthcare field without the added stress of being a surgeon or a doctor. Nurses have great job security, because this is one of the industries where there are not enough nurses to fill the positions needed.

The pay for most nursing jobs is very great as well. Some nurses can work their way up to six figure salaries within their careers, and they are able to transfer to different healthcare jobs with their acquired skills.

Retail Manager

Average Salary: $53,321

Working in retail is a great option for those who love the fast paced world of sales management. Retail management is usually a game of climbing up the ladder to upper management positions, but once those lofty management positions are secured, an individual has great job security.

Not only is this job security solid in a company, but management positions are usually filled by those who have a great amount of industry experience. Working up to a high management position in the right retail situation could yield six figure income and a large degree of job freedom.


Average Salary: $59,476

Becoming a librarian is a great job for those who do not want much stress in their work life. A librarian works in a calm environment, much different from a construction job or a manufacturing position.

Becoming a librarian takes a degree in library science. After obtaining this degree, an individual can decide whether to work in a school setting, a public library setting, special collections library, or an upper level academic library. Being a librarian is pretty secure, as there is not a lot of competition for librarian positions. A job as a librarian is very calm and quiet as well. It's peaceful work for peaceful people.
